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jueves, 1 de marzo de 2012

Anonymous, Wikileaks and Julian Assange

Well , some days ago  Andres gave us a nice speech about anonymous and how it started and its nice to know that the idea of the mask is of a movie and they go against the laws that go against the internet user's advantages and also they go against media manipulation and they fight for the rights of the humans .
It's really intresting to see how they "destroy" pages in minutes , how they can make loose (for e.g) the mortgage information of a bank, how they can ruin the famous credit cards web pages too.
It's annouying to see that those which fight for our rights and show us the truth supposedly are standing again the law code.
The  press and the government always end up shutting the mouth to those who want to tell the truth as Anonymous and as Julian Assange , owner of the web page WIKILEAKS.

We also talked about wikileaks , Assange and we also discussed about the honesty of Assange and if people believed him after the case of the swedish journalist.

I think it was clearly a conspiracy against him for take all his respect in front of the world . Even if in these cases the acussation is false , some people will believe it and those some people can be a big amount if we talk about a worldwide known journalist .